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Creating Amazing Property Video (Using Your Smartphone)
Creating Amazing Property Video (Using Your Smartphone)
Lecture ONE - Introduction (9:38)
Lecture TWO - The Theory (33:23)
Lecture THREE - The Planning Stage (9:50)
Lecture FOUR - Shoot It! (19:54)
Lecture FIVE - Data import (13:15)
Lecture SIX - Hello Premiere Pro (25:31)
Lecture SEVEN - The Edit - Basics (40:04)
Lecture EIGHT - The Edit - Colour, Titles & Music (53:27)
Lecture NINE - Review & Export (7:30)
Lecture TEN - Hello YouTube (26:20)
Lecture ELEVEN - Use It & Share It (29:17)
Thank You - Let's Talk, Learn & Earn Together (1:44)
Bonus Material
Sample Video Tour - The style and quality of video we're creating together (2:17)
Bonus Webinar - The 'Who, How, Where, When, Why & How Much?! of Bringing Property and Video Together' (15:51)
Bonus Tutorial – Creating Company Titles & Map Using Adobe Photoshop (19:52)
Lecture ELEVEN - Use It & Share It
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